PASSuk Parent's Advice On Social Service's.

PASSuk Parent's Advice On Social Service's.


Step By Step Advice.

24 Jun 2019

Remember The Rules On Recordings.

If you record inside your own property then remember to always protect your home and family.
If you record inside your own property then remember to always protect your home and family.

Record Everything All Meetings, Home Visits, Conferences, Core Group Meetings, LAC Reviews And Telephone Conversations.

Remember Professional Representing Bodies Do Not Have Any Human Rights! They Are Not Operating In A Personal Capacity! Only One In A Working Professional Capacity !!!

The rights of the social worker's privacy do not apply, while working in their profession role, meetings and conversations with parents it is unlikely the conversation is going to be about the social worker’s private life. Generally human rights are rights apply to private individuals. Personally i do not think any social worker's should object to being recorded not unless they have something to hide or cover up. Why not have formal records of conferences or meetings? which can be sealed and tamper proof it could then be used and referred to as a true record for use in court, appeals, meetings or complaints used against either side? I have recorded meetings with and without there consent, only difference between the two is that if you have there consent to record them then you can submit the recordings as they are as evidence in court, if they do not know your recording them then you cannot submit the recordings as they are as evidence, but it is not illegal like they will try to tell you it is. you can legally record everything with or with there consent, as long as you state the recordings are only for your personal reference. Here is the loophole, there is nothing to say you cannot use the recordings as your own personal reference to write up in to black and white transcript, these you can submit as evidence instead. Many council representing bodies like social workers will try to prevent us parents (public bodies) from recording them at meetings or over the phone by using the excuse that us recording them could potentially harm our children, or that parents might edit the recordings in their favour or only play part of a recording they are renowned for referring to the data protection and human rights as a reason to not permit parent's to record meetings. However, The Data Protection Act 1998 does not prevent any parents from recording meetings or conversations. It is designed to apply to organisations and representing bodied, not to us as individuals the public body. What a professional says at a meeting is not personal data for there own personal use or the purpose of the Act, although the personal data of others may be contained in what's said at meetings. It is the social worker’s records of meetings which falls under the provisions of the Act. The same applies to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA).

Not only record absolutely everything without there knowledge but I also advice that you place on your front door a small card somewhere discretely where it is not obvious to the eye as it is not your fault if they do not notice the sign. Use the wording or similar to that in the photo above this thread. Once it is up on your front door, take a timestamped photo of your notice. This photo can be used alongside the recordings as they are and submitted as evidence. It saves a hell of a lot of time transcribing recordings in to black and white.

Below is an article I found in the professionals guide online it is there own policy on Electronic and Digital Recording.

Advances in technology make the recording of meetings and other conversations e.g. via smart phones much more easily available to individual people. This may be simply because they wish to have a verbatim record of the conversation to refer back to, or because they have difficulties in following, processing information or recalling conversations. They may, however, seek to use the recording for other purposes such as admission into evidence in family court proceedings, or even for wider broadcast. This may arise in the context of child protection/safeguarding meetings, private law or public law proceedings, and may involve recording of conversations between parents and professionals, conversations between parents and children or discussions in meetings. A clear process should be in place for dealing with requests to record meetings/conversations or for situations where it seems likely that covert recording is taking place or is likely to take place. The recording may take place overtly or covertly. There are no specific legal restrictions on the recording of face-to-face conversations, whether this is overt or covert. It is preferable for this to be addressed with all service-users at an early stage, and rather than waiting until the situation arises at the start of a meeting. You should also make clear to the service-user the limitations upon the use of the recorded material, e.g. that it can only be used in relation to the ongoing family proceedings and cannot be broadcast more widely. The service-user will preferably be invited to sign to indicate their agreement to and understanding of these limitations. Thus, whilst good practice would suggest that advance consent should be sought for any planned recording, a blanket ban on recording is unlikely to be lawful. As long as parents who wish to record a meeting are prepared to agree not to distribute their recordings and will only use it for their own records or private court proceedings, This is not a clear-cut area, Whilst the recording itself may well be legitimate, there may be restrictions on its use. legal advice must be sought as appropriate. Practitioners should be mindful that covert recording may be taking place, and should endeavour to ensure that they do not make statements during 'private' conversations which they would not be prepared to hear produced as evidence in court. If the scale or style of recording is excessive, oppressive or disproportionate, then this may cross a threshold. For example, a parent recording their questioning of the child in a manner which is oppressive may in fact be evidence of possible emotional abuse of the child by that parent. Where the making of an audio or video record of a child protection/safeguarding meeting is proposed then this request should be considered by an LA senior manager who will consult participating agency managers and others as required, in the light of up-to-date local policy and legal advice. In the case of Child Protection Conferences the Conference Chair should determine the response in consultation with Conference members and/or by taking legal advice. For Core Group meetings, often an LA Manager, or Lead social worker will determine the response. In considering the request by any party, The process should set out how the request should be made, who will consider the request and how far in advance of the meeting the request should be made. It is important that each such request is considered on its own merits. If the decision-maker refuses the request, then legal advice should be sought. it should be ensured that agreeing to such a request will not impact on the quality of the information-sharing and discussion, or compromise the decision-making with regard to the safeguarding of the child. The interests of the child must be the primary concern and confidentiality must be observed. If a party seeks to admit such material into court proceedings, then it is at the discretion of the court whether to allow this or not. Such evidence will only be admitted if it is relevant to the issues in the case and not, for example, in furtherance of a personal grievance by a parent against a social worker.

Data protection Act 1998.......

The Data Protection Act 1998 does not prohibit data processing 'by an individual only for the purposes of that individual's personal, family or household affairs' (Section 36). The scope of this in the context of recording is not clear. However the view that the exemption is intended to protect normal domestic use, and would not cover the covert recording of individuals, and particularly children, for the purpose of evidence-gathering in family proceedings and Ward of Court proceedings. Wider distribution, for example, making such material available via the internet, may well be in contravention of the Data Protection Act 1998. It may also be the case that the recording may contain information (including possible 'sensitive personal information') relating to third parties, and the distribution of such information so as to enable those third parties to be identified is likely to be in breach of data protection provisions. If the issues in question are the subject of ongoing court proceedings, then there is also a possible contempt of court..

12 May 2019

Remember the legalities of babysitting.

The law on this is very vague that parents are often  left scratching their heads over this area of the law.

There is no minimum legally specified age on children babysitting in the UK the law does not specify if a young adult can be left on there own or how old they needs to be to babysit. 

However the NSPCC advises that if a child is under 12yrs of age they should not be left home alone during the day for long periods of time and if the teenager is under 16yrs old then they should not be left on their own or in charge of their siblings overnight.

It is the parents legal responsible for their child's safety under the Children and Young Persons Act 1993 that parent's can be prosecuted for wilful neglect if they leave a child unsupervised, but the police can and do use their own discretion in judging babysitting, it is still the parents responsibility if anything should go wrong and a child is harmed or in danger while they are left at home on there own or left to babysit a younger sibling and they are under the age of 16 years old and the police were to get called out and concerns are raised about a parent then they can and are prosecuted. Punishment is from a simple fine up to 10 years' imprisonment.

A health visitor once told me that 14 is the legal age at which a child can babysit another child. Then a little later on another mum from the group with three kids left her 14yr old son in charge of his younger brother while she went to the shops for 30 minutes ended up being suspended from her job for 18 months she is a health care assistant in the Thames Valley area and was cautioned by the old bill all because she left her children unsupervised at home.

Thats about the best advise i can offer and tried to give you a broad spectrum from some of the mums i help what im saying is its basically down to you but be extremely careful about it.

14 Jan 2019

Families fleeing the United Kingdom.

Ok i dont condone fleeing the uk just so you all know. But time and time again im asked about how do you flee the uk safely well here are a few pointers and only written this report purely because it is asked and supply and demand pmsl even the controversial infomation.

While you’re pregnant you aren’t doing anything wrong by moving abroad to a different country your baby is not ear tagged until it is born.

Also remember you can legally take your children out of this country and abroad for 28 days before they can report you for abduction charges to the police to investigate.

Be emotionally prepared to leave everything behind you in the U.K. including your family.

Liquidating money and assets

• After 28 days the UK police can freeze all your bank accounts all your transactions and all money going in and out of your account all cheques all transactions assets card payments the lot will bounce and remember all transactions you try to do leaves a Trace and will give the authorites the date the time and also the precise location of where you are.

• So be ready be prepared to leave without a bank account or a Trace you will need to learn very quickly on how to become invisible you need to liquidate all your assets by removing all your money well in advance this must be done over a period of time which I’ll explain a little further on don’t worry there are other ways to banking your money one would be to ask friend but only if you trust them well enough but do not I repeat do not use a joint account the courts will freeze this account to and all the money of the joint account holder will also be frozen so please protect them as well.

• Before you leave you must learn to use and move money without using your name do not leave a paper Trail keep your cash out of the bank sell whatever you can before you leave the UK you’ve got to liquidate all your assets which I will explain a bit further on.

• If you own your own car sell it before you leave the UK because after the 28 days all these actions that I’m explaining to you then become illegal.

• Everything you sell make sure your buyer knows you want cash only do not accept any checks bank transfers nothing cash only on everything you sell this is very important do not accept cheques at all as they have to have time to clear.

• Keep all your cash out of the banks start early by withdrawing all your savings bit by bit if you have two accounts like most people do they usually have one for saving and one for everyday use what you do is your first withdraw £300 from your ATM  then  secondly go into the bank and you asked two withdrawal £500 noun you can transfer £300 from your savings over to your everyday account and do the same again and don’t forget you can always ask for cash back in the shops and order online from eBay bins it might want to take with you or need for the journey please remember do not draw attention to yourself slowly bit by bit you siphon out your savings.

• Remember all sums of £2,000 and over on deposits and withdrawals are notified to the police under suspicious activities so always keep your daily withdrawals within the £2,000 limit.

• After you’ve drained your bank account strong I close them down completely.


• Do not miss someone to drive you to an airport or to a ferry dock that person will go to prison they will be charged with aiding and abetting so take a bloody taxi protect your family and your loved ones you may need them later on.

• Now if your passport is halfway through its 10 years extend all passports get new ones so you have the maximum amount stay out of the country before your passports run out if any of your parents or grandparents or Irish you’re automatically entitled to an Irish passport this is a good idea by the way an Irish passport does not have RFID chips or biometrics which makes it harder for the government to track and trace. Use your new passports to leave the UK they will go undetected by the police.

• Another way is if you’re entitled to a dual passport because one of your parents is born in a different country then look into this option as well as it gains you entry into another country legally and automatically.

• Do you not travel anywhere by plane after the 28 days at all only travel using public transport like trains buses coaches hovercrafts and ferries all cheaper than flights anyway do not fly at all airports will track you and notify the airport ahead and the police will be waiting for you at the other end.

Where is safe to go

Now you might be thinking, where am I going to go ? which country is safe ? so here is a few pointers.

Stick to non-extradition countries.

Northern Ireland

Never go to Northern Ireland at all it is under the U.K. now we move onto Northern Ireland this is British remember brexit will lead to the Break-Up of the UK. So it is no good going to Northern Ireland if Northern Ireland was to become independent then they would join the Republic which would cause Unionist to fight 30 years of the IRA bombing murders etc etc to try to gain an united Ireland whilst loyalist fight against it.. Scottish SNP are talking to Sinn Fein IRA to look at options for both Scotland and Northern Ireland staying in Europe Northern Ireland has severe threat levels for dissidenr republicans.

Southern Ireland  

If you need a quick exit go to the Republic of Ireland, southern Ireland EIRE, because it is classed as Europe, cases heard as European Court sounds is probably better out of the two as it’s outside UK Court jurisdiction plus Southern Ireland courts don’t take no s*** off the UK authorities.

The constitution of the republic of Ireland prevents all forced adoption, so in the EIRE you will be using the legal system of the EIRE against the U.K children's services

Mobile phone

• Now let's look at mobile phones next shall we. Do not take it with you it will be tracked and traced mobile signal is triangulated to locate you don’t forget UK government records all landline and mobile conversations and text messages also GCHQ will be recording you so don’t phone your family never discuss plans or what it’s like where you are etc etc over a mobile phone never use MSN Messenger only ever use encrypted messaging apps like Signal app which is end-to-end encryption or which is a free encrypted MSN service and which allows you to send free encrypted emails.

• Even if you change your SIM card your handset still sends a separate ID and is just as easily trackable do not do anything in your own name at all. Only use a pay-as-you-go mobile SIM add mobile no contracts and never register your pay-as-you-go under your real name or address.

• If you must phone home try to use a landline phone or a phone owned and registered to other people previously.

Medical treatment and emergencies

If you use an NHS card abroad for any medical treatment the UK police will be alerted as to where you are. Many fleeing families get caught through the NHS so if you have to get any kind of medical treatment then either pay privately or be prepared two quickly leave that country behind you soon after you received the medical treatment and to move on to the next country auntie start all over again.

14 Jan 2019

Parental Responsibility Explained.

Who has (P.R) Parental responsibility ? ...

P.R means all rights, duties and power responsibility and authorities, by law a parent of a child has regarding their children or their children's property.

* if you are the dad, but you was never married to the mother of your children,  or if you was never named on your childrens birth certificate  but you wish to be recognised legally as their dad then you must apply to the courts for a parental responsibility order.

Remember that if you are separated from the residential parent but you both hold equal 50/50 parental responsibility. If the non-residential parent argues and disagree with a social worker in removing your child in to the care system all you have to do is refuse to sign the section 20 voluntary agreement then the social worker cannot legally forcibly remove your child, the social worker is legally bound and they have to ask the non-residential parent who refused to sign the section 20 if they can provide a stable loving home and meet the child's needs (even if it is a temporary solution).

13 Jan 2020

Blanket Policies.

Blanket policies are unlawful policies!

Do not let them try to convince you there is a blanket policy it is a lie!

13 Jan 2020

Advice On Clutter Issues.

If you know that Children Services are due to do a home visit to assess you then here is a little bit of useful advice. If you have a small place or it's a little cluttered or messy. Here is a useful trick use any cupboard or hole that can be closed or blocked of and put everything out of their site before they turn up and close the door on it all de-cluttering your place is one less tick you have to worry about on there assessment sheet.

13 Jan 2020

D.I.Y  Concerns.

If you know that Children Services are due to do a home visit to assess you then here is a little bit of useful advice. If you know your place is a little run down and needs a lick of paint or a few repairs get a cheap pot of white silk emulsion and a pot of magnolia silk of emulsion slap it in all the main rooms of the house, living room, kitchen, bathroom and kids rooms not only does it look fresher but will disguise any odours at the same time. If you cant fix everything in time pick out the priorities do them and use no more nails or duck tape to cover the less important things. Then that's one less tick you have to worry about on there assessment sheet.

13 Jan 2020

Advice For All Dog Owners.

If they try to state your beloved pet is a safeguarding concern. Here is a little trick to get your pooch passed on their Assessment. State that your dog goes to weekly socialising training classes they will usually back down once you tell them this because it shows you are a responsible pet owner and if they are socialising with other animals then they are hardly vicious. They also dont like it when another professional can do an independent statement that will go against their word that they cannot control like a professional dog trainer.
13 Jan 2020

Food Cupboards Advice.

If you know that Children Services are due to do a home visit to assess you then here is a little bit of useful advice. Ķeep all your empty food boxes ect.. Place them at the very back of your food cupboards and piles the full boxes and packets at the front to make your cupboards look fuller than they real are then that's one less tick you have to worry about on there assessment sheet.
9 Dec 2019

Keep A Black And White Paper Trail As Evidence.

Remember always keep a paper trial as evidence to counteract any further allegations and never ask for anything over the phone! only correspond via email or letter and keep a copy of everything sent and received.
7 Sep 2019

Never Voluntarily Contact Children Services.

I hear so many stories where parents have contacted children services to either ask for their help because their children are out of control or to ask for help because they cant cope whatever your reasons are behind contacting them my advice is DO NOT DO IT !!! Exhaust every other avenue open to you first. Remember there is nothing that another service provider, other than social care cannot offer you. Schools can access play therapists, councillors and one-to-one help. Doctors can access camhs ( child adolescent mental health services ). Voluntary organisations can offer you overnight respite and some offer respite on certain days. There is always other avenues and other professionals who can offer you and your family the exact same help as children services. By using other professionals and Avenues you then have the choice to voluntarily accept or to cancel that help and to walk away once you no longer need their help anymore. There are always other avenues other than social care where you do not have that choice other than to do as you are told my advice is always stay under their radar never voluntarily offer yourself up on a golden plate and to give them the opportunity to invade, destroy and dissect your family and life. Children services will, can and do remove children just because families ask them for their help and by then it is to late you cannot rewind the clocks and reset the damage they cause. THINK BEFORE YOU CONTACT THEM WEIGH IT UP, EXHAUST EVERY OTHER AVENUE and if there is absolutely no other choices open to you then DO NOT SAY YOU CANT COPE !!! say you childs behaviour is out of control and you would like to see if any others service maybe able to work with your child. This is stating your child needs their help and NOT YOU !!!!

14 Jan 2019

Case Law To Use To Give You A Chance To Prove You Are A Good Parent Now.

There was a very high profile important case. Where some of you might be in a similar situation as the parents of this particular case. In this particular case, The hearing was held in the supreme court (the highest court in the uk). Judge Mumby stated that if a parent has had previous children removed from there parents by the local authorities but there circumstances had changed and they had moved on to have more children with a "new" partner the children born in this new relationship would not automatically be at risk. The finding of facts alone could not predict that a parent was likely to harm a child in the future. so a local authority could not rely on the "Mere possibility or probability" that you caused harm to your older children or failed to protect them from your ex partner. There has to be other evidence to show that your new baby is at risk. But this only applies to parents who have changed there circumstances and who are in a new relationship with a new partner for this argument to be valid to use to help you fight to keep your new unborn babies if you are with the partner you cant use this.

14 Jan 2019

When Researching Information Always Think Outside Of The Box.

We all, when looking for advice and help automatically look online and google search for information. Google will nearly always come up with help and advice for parents which is nearly always vague and with 100 different out comes.

DON'T !!! STOP !!!!

Instead search for guidelines, information,handbooks and documents that are set out for the social worker’s to follow. This will give you a clearer picture of their own policies and procedures that they have to follow and the expected outcome that their own guidelines from your actions which they will be following are.

Printing of their own guidelines that they have to follow also allows no room for them to change their own goal posts.

They will try to say each areas have their own guidelines and policies to follow and that each areas do things differently, so always try to find the guidelines and policies from within your own borough making it virtually impossible for them to argue with.

9 Dec 2019

Keep An Up-To-Date Diary From Day One.

From the moment you know that children services are getting involved with your family you need to start to keep an up-to-date timelined diary of absolutely everything no matter how insignificant it might seem.
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